
Big Winner: $500
4) 32 pts Chris Mannos (11-6) - 61 - xy

Consolation Compensation
Pussy Loser: $250
2) 37 pts Brett Laduzinsky (13-4) - 50 - xy

Third Place: $150
1) 39 pts Patrick Kenny (13-4) - 53 - xyz

Fourth Place: $100
3) 35 pts Steve Larsen (12-5) - 57 - xy

5) 31 pts Neal Kuester (11-6) - 55 - y
6) 31 pts David Larsen (11-6) - 52 - y
7) 30 pts Matt Cholewa (11-6) - 52 - y
8) 29 pts Paul Drabik (10-7) - 51 - y

9) 28 pts Rick Struck (10-7) - 47 - He Gone
10) 27 pts Brian Girard (9-8) - 45 - He Gone
11) 26 pts Matt Forzley (8-9) - 45 - He Gone
12) 25 pts Mark Moore (8-9) - 52 - He Gone
13) 24 pts Kris Entler (7-10) - 47 - He Gone
14) 21 pts Gene Jagger (6-11) - 45 - He Gone
15) 21 pts Casey Stec (7-10) - 44 - He Gone
16) 20 pts Mike Del Preto (7-10) - 50 - He Gone
17) 17 pts Paul Cacciatore (5-12) - 43 - He Gone
18) 14 pts Kyle Frait (4-13) - 38 - He Gone
19) 13 pts TJ Frawley (4-13) - 34 - He Gone
20) 10 pts Jack Quillin (3-14) - 35 - He Gone

*-denotes teams still in action this week (Only decided matchups have been updated)
x-clinched home-field in 1st round
y-clinched playoffs
z-clinched home-field throughout playoffs
He Gone-eliminated from playoffs

Wednesday, October 3, 2007



1 Matt Cholewa- Wished he could play Moore 13 more times. Will be in the middle of pack in 2 weeks

2 Rick Struck- If NO turns it around watch out. Also, highest ranked married participant

3 Chris Mannos- Week 4 and Mad Mango comes out. What took so long….and whats worse, the fact you have GB or the fact they're carrying your team?

4 Steve Larsen- Can play 40% ball and still probably win out. Might have a rule named after him next year

5 Brett Laduzinsky- The ever scrappy, sometimes nutty, always verbose Bladimir should have a field day rooting for Frerotte

6 Neal Kuester- Krafty Kuester back among the elite. In great shape if Cle and Det hang tough


7 Mike Del Preto- Got a cornhole email fwd to me with a pic of MDP and a caption that included, "champion". Wont be champ here w/o making a move

8 Paul Drabik- Should remain competitive. Sorry no Hooker jokes

9 Paul Cacciatore- Will spend week 5 rooting for Frerotte, Dilfer, and Harrington. AWE-SOME

10 Patrick Kenny- Turned mediocre real quick. Don't look for much movement up from here.

11 Brian Girard- …member at the draft when Girardo was furious and said he was gonna beat JV's ass? That was funny.

12 Gene Jagger- getting a big bang for a $1…if not for Chi….

13 Casey Stec- if we feed Casey a couple beers will he contribute witty and insightful comments to the page?

14 Jack Quillin- FU for beating me in your debut. Will probably scrap out a couple wins but wont contend for the playoffs


15 David Larsen- Pulled the plug on SD real quick. Giddy over the Carr era in Carolina

16 Kris Entler- Two more weeks before he trades SD to Struck for a "keeper"

17 Tom Frawley- Betting heavy on Trent Edwards and Pennington/Clemens combo. Hmmm. TJ, never go to Vegas.

18 Matt Forzley-Feverishly wheeling and dealing. Wait, what teams are mine again?

19 Mark Moore - Tough losses early really hurt. But somehow it feels comforting with Mark bringing up the rear.


20 Kyle Frait- Um…uh….well….have you ever seen me hit a 16"

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WFP 2007
