
Big Winner: $500
4) 32 pts Chris Mannos (11-6) - 61 - xy

Consolation Compensation
Pussy Loser: $250
2) 37 pts Brett Laduzinsky (13-4) - 50 - xy

Third Place: $150
1) 39 pts Patrick Kenny (13-4) - 53 - xyz

Fourth Place: $100
3) 35 pts Steve Larsen (12-5) - 57 - xy

5) 31 pts Neal Kuester (11-6) - 55 - y
6) 31 pts David Larsen (11-6) - 52 - y
7) 30 pts Matt Cholewa (11-6) - 52 - y
8) 29 pts Paul Drabik (10-7) - 51 - y

9) 28 pts Rick Struck (10-7) - 47 - He Gone
10) 27 pts Brian Girard (9-8) - 45 - He Gone
11) 26 pts Matt Forzley (8-9) - 45 - He Gone
12) 25 pts Mark Moore (8-9) - 52 - He Gone
13) 24 pts Kris Entler (7-10) - 47 - He Gone
14) 21 pts Gene Jagger (6-11) - 45 - He Gone
15) 21 pts Casey Stec (7-10) - 44 - He Gone
16) 20 pts Mike Del Preto (7-10) - 50 - He Gone
17) 17 pts Paul Cacciatore (5-12) - 43 - He Gone
18) 14 pts Kyle Frait (4-13) - 38 - He Gone
19) 13 pts TJ Frawley (4-13) - 34 - He Gone
20) 10 pts Jack Quillin (3-14) - 35 - He Gone

*-denotes teams still in action this week (Only decided matchups have been updated)
x-clinched home-field in 1st round
y-clinched playoffs
z-clinched home-field throughout playoffs
He Gone-eliminated from playoffs

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


More drinking for Forzley, and more trades to announce:

1. TJ trades Saints, Eagles, and Chiefs to Steven for Cowboys.

2. Forzley trades Chargers and Rams to Steven for Broncos and Giants.

Brett is still upset he has not been involved in any transactions. Look for him to make a move this week.


Bladimir said...

Trading with a Larsen is like kicking to Devin Hester. Its never a good idea, you almost always get burned, but for some reason nincompoops like Frawley and Forzley still try to do it......its really no wonder their both near the very bottom of the standings.

Mammos said...

That is fuckin ridiculous. TJ why the hell would you do a 3 for 1 trade?? So now Steve has 8 teams, and all of them are long shots for the playoffs. Wow, I wonder if David and Steven are gonna get "really drunk" on the Thanksgiving trade deadline so Steven can end out with the Patriots. I'm quitting the league Pats end out on Steven's team...

steamin tj beamin said...

i did a three for one trade because the three teams sucked.
cheifs 2-2
eagles 1-3
saints 0-4
total record 3- 9

i got a 4-0 cowboys. i gained wins and a division winner. if you look closely youll notice that the cheifs are the best team i lost and they suck. both the eagles and the saints have injured running backs and are not making the playoffs

yes i took a chance but as brett so lovingly pointed out, i am at the bottom of the standings. i had to do someting. now i know that brett is pulling all his pubes out out of frustration over the fact that i traded with "a Larsen" but i guess i can just do what i want

WFP 2007
